
外籍教师Stephany Ranae MOSER简介
编辑:国际交流处   来源: 时间:2018/12/02 阅读次数:

Stephany Ranae MOSER

Ms. Stephany Moser (沐老师) comes from the northeastern part of the States. She completed her undergraduate education at the University of Illinois- Urbana/Champaign, and masters degree in English Rhetoric and Composition at California State Polytechnic University in Pomona, CA. She first taught in China in the late 90s in Jiangsu province, and has taught English in China for most of the years from 2003 to the present. In 2002 she  studied Chinese language at Northeast Normal University in Jilin. Through the years she has been teaching and living in Jilin, Guizhou, Anhui, and now in Hunan, at Hengyang Normal University.

Research Interests

·Chinese culture,

·mother tongue influence on language acquisition

·EFL writing



·running with the Olympic torch during the 2008 Olympic Relay through Guizhou Province

·been honored for years of educational service, the Jilin Provincial Government (2004)

·been honored for years of educational service, the Hengyang Municipal Government (2014)



地址:湖南省衡阳市珠晖区衡花路16号邮编:421002  联系电话:0734-1234567  邮箱: gjjlc@hynu.edu.cn
 版权:衡阳师范学院国际交流处 备案号:湘教QS3-200505-000049  湘ICP备05003883号

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