
外籍教师Barrise GRIFFIN​简介
编辑:国际交流处   来源: 时间:2018/12/02 阅读次数:



Barrise Griffin hails from the city of Nassau, The Bahamas. She received a BA in International Economics & Multilanguage from St. Lawrence University, New York. Her languages of interest were Spanish and Italian. Before SLU she spent 2 years studying at the United World College of Costa Rica.

She hopes to further her education by pursuing a Master's Degree in Disaster Management or International Development. New to China, Barrise is looking forward to helping her students reach their goals in learning English, as well as the many cultural sites in China.




地址:湖南省衡阳市珠晖区衡花路16号邮编:421002  联系电话:0734-1234567  邮箱: gjjlc@hynu.edu.cn
 版权:衡阳师范学院国际交流处 备案号:湘教QS3-200505-000049  湘ICP备05003883号

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